There are many ways you can help out!

Precinct Committee Person • Election Judge • Canvasser

 Recruitment Plan

Winfield Township Democratic Organization’s precincts will be much larger with the new map changes. We are changing from 41 precincts down to 27. We will will not only need Precinct Committeepersons for 27 precincts but people to help each PC with the increased number of doors to knock. In order to fulfill these needs we have created lists of potential volunteers we can reach out to. The lists are organized by the new precincts. We also have upcoming events that would be great to invite potential volunteers to so they can learn about WTDO and what a wonderful and dedicated group of people we are! 😊

We are looking for people to help make calls or knock doors to reach out to potential Democratic volunteers in our neighborhoods and encourage them to volunteer with WTDO!!

Please email us here for information on picking up a list to help us with this very vital project. The 2024 election will require all hands on deck and the more hands the better!! Thank you for you assistance!

Become a Precinct Committee Person!

True grassroots democracy begins locally at the precinct level, as a volunteer or committee person. You can make a difference in elections by getting democrats out to VOTE!  With your active, ongoing help in your precinct, we will succeed in electing good Democrats to all levels of public office. 
What does a PC do?

  • PCs are elected for a 2 year term in even years or appointed at any time.
  • They  provide candidate and election information to the voters in their precinct. 
  • They represent the voters at the DuPage Democratic Party Central Committee to vote on officers, spending and platform. 
  • Most importantly the are the “boots on the ground” to GOTV!

Become an Election Judge!

The DuPage County Election Commission is recruiting Judges of Elections to help with Vote By Mail, Early Voting, and Election Day.  

Responsibilities of Judge of Election include the following: assist with preparing the polling place for opening and closing, check-in and process voters, provide help to voters with disabilities, register voters, and oversee and maintain a record of the Election activities. 

Judges of Elections must be registered voters.  A Judge of Election receives $250 for working on Election Day plus $30 for attending training and working during the Election.  A Judge of Election can also receive $10 per hour if they work as an Early Voting Judge or as a Vote by Mail Verification Judge.

Become a Canvasser!

We need people to knock on doors and interact with our voters. What are their concerns? Are they planning to vote and if so, how? Would they like to help us and be a volunteer, too? Maybe they’d like a yard sign? The importance of this cannot be overstated! Come join us! As Keith Ellison said, “the Democratic Party, by knocking on doors, may provide someone a  link to the outside world. To a better world.”  Let’s get our there and connect with our community.  

Many other ways!

Maybe you are an organizer for events or a writer or like working with data. Maybe you have talents we don’t know that we need! Let us know how you can help! We would love to hear your ideas!

Donate today!

Your donation helps us to get Democrats elected locally and nationally.
 Your donation goes through ActBlue so you can be assured it’s safe and secure.

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